Thursday, July 29, 2010

feather your fedora.

some questions i picked from a lovely vintage garden.

1.) What's a perfect styling for you?

a good amount of sunlight.

2.) For what do you spent the most of your money?

usually things that fit inside my purse.

3.) What's your favourite song at this moment now?

4.) Which excellences do you think you have?

i tend to make good treats.

5.) And what are your failings?

i sometimes drink far to much wine.

these are some things about me, though they hardly scratch the surface, i need a sandwich.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

what do you think this woman is made of?

my bruises will fade once i leave here
but i have my scars that i can keep forever.
i think i should tell you that i have fallen.
its another confession.
theres to much silence when i think of the coming weeks
but its not the end of the world.
bring me coffee in bed
i dont want to get up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

i need one more minute

today was pancake breakfast sunday.
yesterday we took a journey like no other.
twice again today.
save some for the morning.
things are unwound and spiraling.
the way i like them.
guess what? i can whistle.
get mint body lotion, wear stripes.
always eat the fruit.
cut your toe nails.
never let a soul mate smoke alone.
never stay out in the cold.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

condors caught in cosmic conflict.

i was wrapping things up
when i realized it cant be done.

especially when late night sex is so wet and tight

somethings just cant be wrapped. they are to big to fit in a nice package.
but thats how you know they are good for your soul, when the thought of separation pains you on the constant.
for now i have to spend time with the crazies.
they make my world go round, and im scared when they aren't near.
i just have to share my talents with them. check out what i made for their enjoyment.

i realize that at night is when the world begins again, everything before that is just yesterday, hold tight my love and don't cry, there are no need for tears, i've only been away since yesterday.