Friday, December 17, 2010

its that time of year

to bad load
and drink coquito

1 can coconut milk
1 can coconut cream
1 can evaporated milk
1 bottle white rum (Bacardi or Don Q if your a real brown person)


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

its been a long time

in case you dont know

this is la lupe

and she has always been inspiration

i cant help but soak up her incredible energy

talented people like this make me happy to have a strong rich culture. i love being a brown girl.

Monday, August 9, 2010

listen mister cant you see ive got to get back to my baby

im gonna be poked and prodded.
for the the next few weeks.
theres some uncertainties that need figuring out.
looks like im gonna have to suck the life out of you,
we all gotta get it from somewhere.
i gotta take it from you.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

hold me like the river of jordan

and then i will say to thee

you are my friend.

carry me like you are my brother,

kiss me and free me.
please please be there.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

feather your fedora.

some questions i picked from a lovely vintage garden.

1.) What's a perfect styling for you?

a good amount of sunlight.

2.) For what do you spent the most of your money?

usually things that fit inside my purse.

3.) What's your favourite song at this moment now?

4.) Which excellences do you think you have?

i tend to make good treats.

5.) And what are your failings?

i sometimes drink far to much wine.

these are some things about me, though they hardly scratch the surface, i need a sandwich.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

what do you think this woman is made of?

my bruises will fade once i leave here
but i have my scars that i can keep forever.
i think i should tell you that i have fallen.
its another confession.
theres to much silence when i think of the coming weeks
but its not the end of the world.
bring me coffee in bed
i dont want to get up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

i need one more minute

today was pancake breakfast sunday.
yesterday we took a journey like no other.
twice again today.
save some for the morning.
things are unwound and spiraling.
the way i like them.
guess what? i can whistle.
get mint body lotion, wear stripes.
always eat the fruit.
cut your toe nails.
never let a soul mate smoke alone.
never stay out in the cold.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

condors caught in cosmic conflict.

i was wrapping things up
when i realized it cant be done.

especially when late night sex is so wet and tight

somethings just cant be wrapped. they are to big to fit in a nice package.
but thats how you know they are good for your soul, when the thought of separation pains you on the constant.
for now i have to spend time with the crazies.
they make my world go round, and im scared when they aren't near.
i just have to share my talents with them. check out what i made for their enjoyment.

i realize that at night is when the world begins again, everything before that is just yesterday, hold tight my love and don't cry, there are no need for tears, i've only been away since yesterday.

Friday, June 25, 2010

ive been away

from the internet world.
its been a good thing.
i've been living life gypsy style.
lots of bags, lots of fabric, very little shoes.
its hot out, real hot, summer time in the city.
repping tac one hard as shit.
i'm falling for a boy. a sweet normal boy.
with a job, and a guitar.
i'm lost in the heat.
don't dare judge the way i mend the
heart that you have chosen to break.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

can i roll that?

the summer is rolling, this air filled with smoke and lemon water ice. wooder ice. the only thing that i can handle is the lawlessness that has been deemed acceptable due to my own standards of living. every day of the past few weeks has been in some ways more then i can handle but there has been some hardcore bonding with some people of the tacony nature making the world bearable. my city has received us with open arms and is telling us again of its glory's,
cheeses steaks in a variety of styles
blunt wraps
public transportation
wreck less abandonment
free concerts
any of these things all hours of the day
there are more things
but the sun is here and there is nowhere for me to go except for where you are.
so chill out.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

bonkers, on so many levels.

the first piss is out of the way.
ive been gallivanting these last few days.
sleeping very little, commemorating with friends.
im making so many mistakes.
but i am incredibly happy.
i cant wait for the rest of this to unfold.
its so daunting.
life changing.
love is unfolding all around.

but then what does that even mean?

dont worry, i got this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

you guys, i think its kicked.

first of all congratulations are in order, to BlancaAnnaMads for successfully completing their first year of college. complete with strong grades and scholarships.

lets start at the very beginning.
we have learned some valuable lessons.
and we have been through some trying times.
although i would have to say there and incredible amount of highlights
we managed to do this in Cleveland, i will miss you grandma.

BAM has come such a long way

we have gelled and created a trinity, by far the strongest shape.
we even went on our first family vacation.
and visited the past.
bonds have been made in unexpected places, and it was hard to leave cleveland and come back to where i left off.
i am back however, and i am sooo glad to see my home friends.
even though this means picking up loose ends that im really not sure about. also new avenues like the start of circus school.

there are somethings only time can tell. till then it is the summer so let us rejoice, enjoy and commemorate.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

im going back to cali

summer is sneaking up on me. im going to have to say goodbye to people i have grown rather attached to.

and say hello to people i have unsuccessfully tried to detach my self from.

i dont know how i could ever be expected to do such a thing, theres to much there to disintegrate.

being separated from my new family unit is going to be rough on my nerves, i can already tell.

we have seen a lot together, we got through an entire year.

right now i have to write a research paper. finish a necklace, finish my stone carving, make an interactive animation, finals, and keep my sanity in check, this might be out of my control at this point.

Monday, April 5, 2010

we want the world and we want it now.

today im reflecting

on some of my long standing heros.

im so glad i had these girls.

they were undoubtedly

major bad asses of my day.

Rufus Xavier Sarsparilla, i could say that but i dont have to because i have pro nouns. thank you pro nouns.

i have to make something interactive for my digital class.

like those goosebump books where you could choose what pages to read next. i should really get on having an idea since it is my final. ill get around to it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

all the chicken heads be quiet

i happen to be a drug prowling wolf.

madeline drew this, i thought that it was stellar

this is some of my own handy work, its a critique of my instillation

and some process photos that went with it. im proud of all the things the girls and i have made this year, we rocked that shit.

this week we had a taste of the come of summer. i cant wait till its in full bloom.

im going back to my beloved 215 wednesday.

i cant believe that i was just at the beach. im running all over the country.

i feel like my feet are never on the ground for long.

im pretty excited to go home. i feel like my head and my heart are in two different places these days. i might try and collect some pieces of things left behind and maybe try and reunite my parts. there are so many things to look forward to, i really cant look backwards anymore. you realize these things with every bubble you blow.